Running Nutrition Australia


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Marathon Nutrition @ Pure Running

Training for your marathon means more than just completing the race.It is important that you have a plan for your running nutrition. This will be for before, during, and after the race.

So, what is the best nutrition for distance runners?

You need to make sure you test a variety of food options whilst you are in the midst of your training to determine which ones fit your needs.

Understand what nutrition is going to be provided in the aid stations.

Increase your intake of carbohydrates moderately in the days preceding the race to fill up your glycerine storage.

Eat a breakfast that is familiar to you, approximately 3-4 hours before your race starts. Avoid meals with excessive fat, fibre or protein.

Bring a carbohydrate drink or gel that you can sip in the hour before the race starts
Focus on hydrating yourself and keeping a regular intake of carbohydrates during the race.

Adequate running nutrition islike training, in that it starts weeks before the event! Training and nutrition are the two of the most important considerations that determine your race day performance. Most runners will spend their quality time each week planning and preparing their training sessions. Often, nutrition is brushed aside and this could jeopardise your hard training.

Pre-preparing: Finding out what nutrition is going to be handed out during your race is vital so it would be a great idea to practice with your nutrition and make sure you can tolerate and adapt to it.

Training to your race plan: Figuring out what nutrition works for you, both in terms of the products you are consuming and the timing as well. We would advise that you start this plan approximately 10 weeks before the marathon, pick the race training you are going to practice and build up to your plan as you need.

Load up on carbohydrates: Before the race, make sure your fuel stores (muscle glycogen) are full by loading up on carbs.

Eat a carbohydrate-rich breakfast before the race: This is important because it replenishes your liver glycogen. The storage of carbohydrates stored in the liver is used up by your brain while you are asleep.

The hour before you start running: Even though this is usually spent anxiously waiting, you need to make sure you bring a water bottle to sip on and a gel to take in the 15 minutes before the race commences.

During your race: During the race two things are important: carbohydrate and fluids.

After the marathon winds up: Most runners, professional or otherwise, will not compete in another race for quite a while. Just make sure you appreciate what you have achieved and indulge (but only in moderation!)